
Connecting Health Professionals to Communities


The SOWEGA-AHEC RN Reentry Program, established in 2003, was developed in response to Georgia's nursing shortages and the lack of accessible options for nurses with expired licenses to reenter the workforce.  Tailored specifically to meet the needs of rural nurses, the program addresses the challenges faced by individuals unable to participate in traditional reentry programs.  By offering a “local” self-paced alternative, the program eliminates barriers related to location, personal commitments, and financial constraints, providing a convenient and affordable pathway to license renewal.

Approved by the Georgia Board of Nursing, the SOWEGA-AHEC RN Reentry Program delivers a personalized approach to meet reinstatement requirements.  Participants complete 40 hours of nursing-related study and 160 hours of supervised clinical practice, fulfilling the Board's criteria for licensure reinstatement as a registered professional nurse.


Q: How many parts are there to the Reentry Program and how long does each take?

  1. Board of Nursing application and meeting with AHEC coordinator (MUST BE AN RN): 6 weeks–2 months.
  2. Didactic (self-study, once temporary license is granted): 1–3 weeks.
  3. Clinical: 1–3 months

The variance is usually controlled by the reentry student who decides how quickly to complete each part.

Q: What will I need to do to enroll in your Reentry Program?

Download, complete, and return to Board, the Georgia Board of Nursing application and state that you want to enroll in SOWEGA-AHEC’s Board-approved Nurse Reentry Program. If your name has changed, include a copy of marriage certificate, divorce decree or court order. You must be living in the 38-county SOWEGA-AHEC region (see county listing at in order to be considered as a potential reentry student for our AHEC.

Q: Who completes Forms A, B, and C for the Board of Nursing?

The AHEC, after you send in the rest of the application.

Q: Prior to meeting with the AHEC’s nurse reentry coordinator, what do I need to do?

  • Get a history and physical exam (within the last 6 months) that states you are in good health. No specific forms are required. An official statement is also acceptable.
  • Get PPD or chest X-ray (if the history of positive PPD skin test within the past 12 months).
  • Get Tetanus/Diphtheria booster within the past 12 months.
  • Provide AHEC with proof of current immunizations for MMR (or Rubella titer), polio, DPT, and Varicella virus and Hepatitis B series. Tetanus/Diphtheria booster required within the last 12 months. Positive antibody titers are acceptable. If you have not had the Hepatitis B series, begin them.
  • Provide proof of current American Heart Association or American Red Cross CPR certification. This must be valid for the entire reentry supervised practice time period.

Q: How long will the entire reentry program take?

It takes anywhere between two to six months, depending on how much time you devote to completing the didactic (self-study) and clinical hours.

Q: After I meet with the AHEC’s reentry coordinator, how soon can I begin?

When the Board of Nursing issues your temporary license you may set up an appointment.

Q: How does the didactic portion work?

You receive a 28-module self-study notebook from AHEC. You take a test after each module, submit all 28 tests when you are through with all modules, and you must pass with a minimum score of 80% on each module, in order to move into the clinical phase. The tests are open-book. If you do not pass a module, you can restudy the module and retake the test. There is no penalty. We are trying to ensure that you have regained basic knowledge in each of the 28 areas.

Q: What is the cost for the entire program?

The cost of the program is $1,200, paid in two payments: $600 when you enter the program and the remaining $600 prior to starting clinicals.

Q: Are there any other costs associated with the program?

You will have to pay for your immunizations, physical exam, malpractice insurance, CPR training, background check, Jurisprudence Exam fees, and the Board of Nursing application fee.

Q: How often will I meet with AHEC Reentry Coordinator?

At least 2 times—once at the beginning and once at the end to notarize the Board of Nursing’s necessary forms (Part B and C), and the complete final evaluation. The coordinator may also communicate with you via phone and email.

Q: I have not practiced in the last four years, do I need a reentry program?

The Board states: “Applicants that cannot document three months or 500 hours of licensed practice as a registered nurse within the last four years immediately preceding the date of application must complete a Board-approved reentry program.”

Q: I haven’t practiced for years, do you think I can do this?

Yes, yes, yes! We have been doing this for over five years and have had nurses who have been out of nursing for as many as 17 years and they have been successful in completing the program and obtaining a job.

Q: What if I do not finish the Reentry program within the six months in which my temporary license has been issued?

You must reapply to the Board of Nursing and start the process over.

Q: Who actually contacts the facility to obtain a preceptor?

The AHEC’s reentry coordinator. The AHEC will work with you to identify someone at an appropriate facility.

Q: Do I have to do the 160 hours in a hospital?

No. The Board prefers that you receive a basic nursing experience from an authorized venue, such as: Primary Care Clinic, Public Health Department, or a hospital.

Q: May I have more than one clinical preceptor for my experience?


Q: What role does the clinical site play?

The clinical site allows you to attend their facility’s orientation (this doesn’t count towards your 160 hours); they identify a qualified RN, who has practiced at least one year, to supervise you; and they allow you to spend 160 hours of supervised time in the facility in order to help you reenter the workforce. You will not get paid for doing the 160 hours of clinicals.

Q: Will I have to have a criminal background check?

Each institution requires some type of check. We will inform you of how to proceed once the institution has been identified. Also, the BON required a specific criminal background check in addition to what the institution may require.

Q: Is an institution obligated to let me do the clinicals if something negative shows up in my background check?


Q: Who arranges the actual hours I will work during my clinicals?

You and the preceptor work together to make those arrangements, but you must document the actual days and hours worked and submit that information to AHEC at the end of your clinicals.

Q: Will the hospital require that I work for them once I finish the Reentry Program?

No, but they are probably hoping that their investment in you will yield some hours worked at their facility. It is common for facilities to offer reentry nurses jobs once they complete the program. Of course, there is no guarantee or obligation by either party toward future employment.

Q: Are there certain competencies I must demonstrate during the clinical experience?

Yes. You and your preceptor will be given a copy of them.

Q: Do I have to work 12-hour shifts?

No, you may work as many hours with your preceptor as you like; it’s usually an 8- or 12-hour shift.

Q: If I work 7 AM to 3 PM and take 30 minutes for lunch, how many hours will I get credit for towards the needed 160 hours?

7.5 hours. Lunches do not count as part of the 160 hours.

Q: What do I wear to work?

Ask your preceptor what is appropriate for that facility/environment.

Q: Do I need malpractice liability insurance?

Yes, but you will not be eligible to obtain it until you obtain your temporary license from the Board of Nursing. You must have this proof prior to beginning clinicals.

Q: Do I need accidental health insurance (medical coverage) during my supervised practice period?
