
Connecting Health Professionals to Communities

SOWEGA-AHEC is your local resource to facilitate community-based clinical training for health profession students in real world settings, i.e., urban, rural, community health clinics and health departments working with underserved populations (including migrant farm workers).  By offering clinical placement assistance, housing and travel support, we hope to foster in the return of graduates to practice in the region.

Clinical Training
We can help identify and secure clinical training sites for health professions students enrolled in Georgia educational institutions.
We arrange housing or travel assistance to students while they are completing clinical training in our 38-county service area.
SOWEGA-AHEC provides assistance to medical, physician assistant, nurse practitioner and allied health students seeking community-based clinical experiences in our service area. We currently have clinical training sites in 35 of our 38 counties.
View all of our forms in one convenient location.
Farmworkers Summer Health Projects
Each June we support an intense multi-discipline collaborative of local providers, faculty and students to offer free basic healthcare to 2,500+ migrant and seasonal farmworkers in non-traditional clinical settings in rural southern Georgia.
A Georgia Board of Nursing-approved Reentry Program designed for nurses wanting to reenter the field of nursing.
SOWEGA-AHEC is seeking high quality community faculty interested in training the next generation of health providers. Are you interested?
Community based preceptors (licensed medical, osteopathic, advanced practice nurse, or physician assistant) who provide uncompensated training to Georgia’s medical students, are you eligible for a tax credit?
View options for online loan repayment programs.
A comprehensive guide about health careers. Download the Health Careers in Georgia Manual.
We have educational tools used by K-12 and other AHECs throughout the U.S.
For college students interested in medical school, medical students deciding about residency programs, or residents exploring opportunities to practice, visit this site for loan repayment/scholarships, medical education and practice opportunities in Georgia.